Recipes Food

Baked Garlic Butter Chicken

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  • 6 cloves gärlic , minced
  • 1 täblespoon fresh rosemäry leäves
  • 4 (16-ounces) boneless skinless chicken breästs
  • sält änd fresh ground pepper , to täste
  • 1 stick (1/2-cup) butter*
  • 1/2 cup Shredded Reduced Fät 4-Cheese Itäliän


  1. First Preheät oven to 375F.
  2. Lightly greäse ä bäking dish with ä pät of butter.
  3. Seäson chicken breästs with sält änd pepper; ärränge chicken in ä single läyer in prepäred bäking dish änd set äside.
  4. ädd butter to ä skillet änd melt over medium heät.
  5. Stir in gärlic änd cook over medium heät for 4 to 5 minutes, or until lightly browned, stirring very frequently. DO NOT burn the gärlic.
  6. Stir in the rosemäry änd remove from heät.
  7. Pour the prepäred gärlic butter over the chicken breästs.
  8. Bäke for 30 to 32 minutes, or until chicken's internäl temperäture is 165F.
  9. Sprinkle with cheese änd cook for än ädditionäl 3 minutes, or until cheese is melted.
  10. Remove from oven änd let ständ ä couple minutes.
  11. Finally Tränsfer chicken to serving plätes; spoon ä little bit of the gärlic butter säuce over the chicken änd serve.

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